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Guarantors of Brain: Fellowships

  Saturday, 20 Mar 2021 | Funding Deadline

The Guarantors of Brain is a charity that aims to promote teaching, education and research in neurology and related clinical-academic disciplines.

The following fellowships are available:

Post-doctoral clinical fellowship
Post-doctoral clinical fellowships provides salary support for up to one year to early/mid-career clinicians based in the United Kingdom. The scheme is intended to provide funding after completion of a higher degree (PhD or research MD). Applicants must be engaged in, neurology, neurosurgery, neurophysiology or psychiatry higher specialist training in the UK (including MRCP or equivalent for the different specialties). The candidate must demonstrate their intention and prospects of a career in clinical academia.

Non-clinical post-doctoral fellowships
Non-clinical post-doctoral fellowships provide salary support for up to three years to non-clinical postdoctoral career researchers who are working in clinical neuroscience setting in the United Kingdom. Successful candidates will demonstrate their interest in bringing basic science approaches to bear on key problems in clinical neuroscience. The Fellowship must be undertaken after completion of a PhD or equivalent higher degree, to commence no more than six years from the PhD. The Fellowships are intended to support research that is embedded in a clinical neuroscience setting, typically in clinical neurology and its related specialties, and research with clear goals for clinical translation. The candidate should demonstrate a long-term commitment to a career in clinical neuroscience.


Deadline for proposals: 20th March 2021

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