Monday, 03 Jul 2023 | Funding Deadline
Glaucoma UK Health and Social Care Professionals Research Awards
Up to £50,000 available to fund research by health and social care professionals, such as nurses, optometrists, orthoptists, vision scientists, psychologists, and others, into glaucoma and related conditions. It is not open to ophthalmologists. The research can be laboratory or clinic based and should aim to further our knowledge about glaucoma or related conditions. Glaucoma UK encourages patient orientated research and research directly concerned with the improvement of the management of glaucoma.
Deadline for applications: 30 May 2023
Glaucoma UK Open Call Research Award 2023
The Glaucoma UK Open Call Research Award aims to support innovative research in the field of glaucoma by providing funding to individual researchers or collaborative research partnerships. The award is open to both clinical and non-clinical researchers who wish to contribute to our understanding of glaucoma, with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for glaucoma patients. We welcome applications from both established researchers and new investigators, including those from fields outside of vision research. The award seeks to fund research projects that demonstrate the potential to advance our knowledge of glaucoma and contribute to our charitable goal of ending preventable glaucoma sight loss. All proposals should clearly articulate how the study aligns with this vision and outline the expected outcomes and impact of the research.
Deadline for applications: 3 July 2023
Find out more here