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Fight for Sight: Small Grants Awards

  Thursday, 28 Jul 2022 | Funding Deadline

Fight for Sight’s mission is to stop sight loss by funding the highest quality clinical and non-clinical early research. They support original and ground breaking ophthalmic and vision research which aims to:

  • prevent eye diseases and conditions occurring
  • enable eye diseases and conditions to be detected earlier
  • develop new and improved treatments for eye diseases and conditions

Small grant awards offer competitive funding to support small feasibility and pilot studies as well as facilitate the generation of preliminary data. The aim is to make novel research ideas more competitive for larger follow-on funding.

Small grant awards offer up to £15,000 to clinical or research scientists to conduct stand-alone research projects for up to 12 months. Fight for Sight and research partners intend for small grant awards to support early career research and should be used to collect preliminary/pilot data to develop follow on applications. Researchers currently working in fields outside of vision research are welcome to apply.

Deadline for proposals: 28 July 2022
Find out more here