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ESRC - Research into inclusive ageing

  Tuesday, 08 Jun 2021 | Funding Deadline

Meeting the needs of an ageing society represents one of the key challenges of the 21st century. Part of this challenge relates to pervasive inequalities that continue to shape the experience of ageing and older age. This complex ecosystem of needs, risks and disparities needs further interrogation if we are serious about improving social inclusion and converting interest in equality into actionable solutions. The ambition of the inclusive ageing initiative is to radically reimagine inclusivity in ageing. Its focus is on reducing the impact of inequalities while extending and expanding the existing parameters of ageing research.

Projects must go beyond only describing inequalities and focus on both:

  • improving understanding of how social and economic inequalities affect people in later life
  • identifying practical ways to improve inclusivity in later life.

Your project must address how earlier life experiences affect inequalities in later life.


Deadline for proposals: 8th June 2021

Find out more here