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EPSRC: Building responsible neurotechnology research capability

  Thursday, 25 Nov 2021 | Funding Deadline

Apply for funding to develop a research network for neurotechnology. Your network is expected to:


  • help form new interdisciplinary research communities
  • promote responsible research and address ethical issues in neurotechnology
  • set a research agenda and fund small feasibility studies.


EPSRC, in partnership with MRC, invites proposals for ‘network plus’ grants that build capability for responsible research across the breadth of neuro-technologies. EPSRC and MRC are looking for a balanced portfolio of networks which will lead to new collaborations, aiming to form new interdisciplinary research communities, involving a group with a range of expertise and experience, and demonstrating the added value EPSRC and MRC funding would bring in this area.


Deadline for proposals: 25 November 2021

Find out more here