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EPSRC: Accelerating the medicines revolution outline: small grants

  Tuesday, 01 Aug 2023 | Funding Deadline

Apply for funding to revolutionise the development of future medicines. EPSRC seek high quality research ideas that will address key bottlenecks in the medicines manufacturing pipeline. From discovery to deployment, proposals will facilitate a revolution through speculative, high risk ideas that could potentially offer high reward. Studies should contribute to one or more of the following objectives:

  • Explore the viability of more speculative translational pathways for medicines manufacturing
  • Develop novel approaches or fundamental basis for more sustainable pathways
  • Investigate disruptive appraoches to reduce time from discovery to deployment
  • Ensure manufacturability, including scale-up and the needs of users, is considered from the outset of the process of new medicines discovery
  • Create the EPS knowledge, skills and workforce to take forward future biological breakthroughs
  • Cover research in any part of the pipeline from innovative chemistry to novel manufacturing techniques, including multidisciplinary work where appropriate.

Deadline for proposals: 1 August 2023

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