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Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme (EME)-Primary Research Stage 1 & Researcher-led Stage 1

  Thursday, 16 Apr 2020 | Funding Deadline

19/136 Evaluating interventions for the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases

19/137 Bipolar disorder

19/139 Mitigation of the adverse effects of health and social care interventions

The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme is accepting stage 1 applications for these primary research topic.

19/138 Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme Researcher-led

The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their researcher-led workstream.


19/153 EME oral and dental health

The EMEHS&DRHTA and PHR Programmes are all accepting applications for this funding opportunity.

In order to apply you will need to carefully review the:

All research projects are expected to establish a programme appointed Study Steering Committee and it is important that you read the TSC/SSC Guidance before completing your application. Costs incurred by this committee should be included in the budget as appropriate.

All deadlines are 1pm (UK time) unless otherwise specified.