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Dunhill Medical Trust – The Ageing Immune System

  Friday, 20 Jan 2023 | Funding Deadline

The ageing immune system was identified by the British Society for Research on Ageing as an underfunded area of great importance. This call is targeted at proposals focusing on areas such as immune system markers, cell/tissue interactions, potential targets for interventions and the use of various methodologies (e.g. “omics”) to build our knowledge on the following topics:

  • The influence of the ageing immune system on the development of frailty – including, but not limited to, the mechanisms, the effects of gender and/or other characteristics etc.
  • The influence of the ageing immune system on cognitive decline and vice versa.
  • The influence of the ageing immune system on the gut microbiome and vice versa – including, but not limited to, any links to age-related issues.

Deadline for proposals: 20 January 2023
Find out more here