Tuesday, 25 Aug 2020 | Funding Deadline
Action Medical Research is calling for applications to address the pathobiology, physical and mental health impacts of COVID-19 in children and young people. The aim of the charity is to prevent and treat disease and disability by funding vital medical research in hospitals or research institutions across the UK.
For this call the remit covers the unborn child, infants, children and young people (CYP) up to the age of 25 years. Projects must feature CYP at the centre of the research. Researchers should address unmet need and clarify how research can make a novel advance with impact to our understanding of paediatric disease, diagnosis, treatment and/or health system policy. Proposed add-ons to funded larger studies focused on children and young people may be accepted but must show clear added value.
Deadline for proposals: 25th August 2020
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