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Course in Evaluation of Medical Devices for Product Development and Health Technology Assessment

  Tuesday, 19 Feb 2019 | Events/Workshops

Date: 19 - 21 February
Venue: The Principal York Hotel

  • Standard rate £1,700
  • Early bird rate (book by 30th September 2018) £1,630 - use promo code EMDEARLY
  • Worldwide public sector discounted rate £1,150 - use promo code EMDPUBLIC

This three‑day course provides a comprehensive overview of key issues associated with medical devices clinical and economic evaluation and the creative alternative methods available to evaluate these health technologies robustly. It is suitable for medical device developers, manufacturers, regulators, healthcare practitioners, analysts, consultants, and health technology assessors interested in optimising the evidence generation processes aimed at informing key decisions they are faced with from early stages of development through to HTA. In addition to presentations, tutored practical group exercises will provide an opportunity to reflect, discuss, interact and learn by doing.