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Cochrane Incentive Awards

  Friday, 28 Sep 2018 | Funding Deadline

An annual scheme whereby small incentive payments are offered to Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) for preparing key new or updated Cochrane reviews by agreed dates. Over the history of the scheme, around 280 awards have been made.

The Department recognises that these awards are insufficient to meet the full costs of conducting reviews. They are intended to be applied at the discretion of Co-ordinating Editors in ways that will facilitate and possibly accelerate activity that is already planned or underway.

The budget for the scheme in 2018 will remain at £100,000 however we expect to make around 10 – 20 awards. With higher incentive payments (up to £10,000 maximum) available to reviews of impact, which may or may not be using more complex methodology. Complex reviews can seek to request support from the NIHR Complex Reviews Support Unit (CRSU) by indicating this in their application. Contact with the CRSU should be made only if/when an award offer has been made by NIHR, and not at the application stage.

Email:  SRPinfo@nihr.ac.uk
Website: Cochrane