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British Heart Foundation: Translational Awards

  Monday, 13 Sep 2021 | Funding Deadline

Translational Awards aim to progress the development of novel, innovative technologies towards benefits to human cardiovascular health. The scheme supports the development of technologies with transformative potential from the proof-of-concept stage to being ready for the commercial market. Proposals are expected to demonstrate a strong intellectual property position and a development proposition that could attract follow-on investment.

The project should be novel and inventive and address an unmet clinical need within the BHF remit. The project should result in a product, technology or intervention that is ready for market development.

The application should provide clear and compelling information on the following:

  • An unmet healthcare need in heart and circulatory disease
  • The advantages of the proposed technology over competing solutions
  • Supporting proof of concept data
  • A structured project with non-overlapping milestones, each with SMART GO/NO-GO success criteria
  • The intellectual property position
  • A proposed route to market and commercialisation
  • A strategy to navigate the relevant regulatory processes
  • Long term aims beyond the BHF Translational Award


Deadline for proposals: 13 September 2021

Find out more here