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Blood Cancer UK: Project grants
Thursday, 22 Jun 2023
| Funding Deadline
Blood Cancer UK has opened a response-mode project grant scheme. Proposals are invited that focus on developing better and less toxic treatments. Project grants are awarded for up to £280,000 for up to three years, for clearly defined research proposals that meet at least one of our treatment topics. We aim to fund up to six projects in this round.
Your research proposal should cover at least one of the following treatment-focused topics:
- Research that develops new treatment/s or repurposes existing treatment/s.
- Research that aims to decrease treatment/s side effects; this may include developing new treatment/s with fewer side effects or research that reduces the side effects of existing treatment/s.
- Research that advances personalised treatment/s.
- Research into treatment/s for blood cancer/s where there are no or very limited options for patients.
- Research into treatment/s that minimise patient burden as part of delivery; this may include research that changes how treatment/s are delivered or reduces the intensity and/or frequency of acute hospital visits.
Deadline for proposals: 22 June 2023
Find out more here