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BBSRC: Strategic longer and larger grants (sLoLa): frontier bioscience 2022 to 2023

  Tuesday, 14 Jun 2022 | Funding Deadline

Apply for funding for adventurous fundamental bioscience research at the frontiers of human knowledge. Your project:

  • should have the potential to lead to major breakthroughs in our understanding of the rules of life
  • must demonstrate a team science approach
  • must demonstrate the need for longer and larger scale funding to deliver a novel and fully integrated research programme.

Proposals must be focused on frontier bioscience (leading-edge discovery research that addresses significant fundamental questions in bioscience). Curiosity-driven research at the limits of our current understanding has a strong record of revealing, or rewriting, fundamental ‘rules of life’ that are applicable across living systems. Through an ambitious and fully integrated research programme, your ideas must have the potential to lead to a major contribution to biological knowledge, commensurate with the scale of support provided. To achieve transformative outcomes, strategic longer and larger (sLoLa) grant proposals typically take a multidisciplinary approach, combining diverse inputs and perspectives. Teams will use or develop cutting-edge research technologies, methods and approaches to unlock and explore original avenues of investigation.

Deadline for proposals: 14 June 2022
Find out more here