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Asthma and Lung UK: Research grants

  Monday, 23 Jan 2023 | Funding Deadline

Asthma and Lung UK fund the best science and brightest minds to find new solutions to the biggest challenges in respiratory prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management. By 2027 they hope to reduce deaths and ill-health caused by lung conditions by 20%.

Asthma and Lung UK are providing project grants and pump-priming grants focusing on the urgent need to improve diagnosis in respiratory conditions. Research grants should develop new or improved, quick, inexpensive, minimally-invasive, safe and accurate diagnostic products/approaches which can differentiate between lung conditions, phenotypes of individual lung conditions and/or causes of exacerbations (e.g. to reduce exacerbations and the winter NHS burden). Research & innovation opportunities identified include, but are not limited to:

  • Improving approaches to case finding.
  • Redesigning diagnostic systems, pathways and tests (e.g. utilising of technologies like artificial intelligence, developing at-home diagnosis).
  • Developing new biomarkers and related technologies (e.g. sensing technologies to detect changes in breath/speech/sleep/cough).

Deadline for proposals: 23 January 2023
Find out more here