Monday, 20 Aug 2018 | Funding Deadline
New, single-stage, open competition to designate and fund NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (NIHR ARCs) for applied health and care research and to support implementation of research into practice, making tangible improvements for patients, the public and to health and care services.
NHS organisations or providers of NHS services in England, acting on behalf of a collaboration of the local providers of NHS services, local providers of care services, NHS commissioners, local authorities, other relevant local health and care organisations, the relevant Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and the local University(ies) are eligible to apply.
A total of up to £135 million will be invested over a five-year period from 1 October 2019, subject to receipt of suitable quality applications. Each application may be up to a maximum of £9 million over the five-year contracted award, with applications from organisations without existing NIHR CLAHRCs being phased, with up to 50% (maximum £900,000) in the first year.
Phone: 020 8843 8057
Website: ACR