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AOUK&I Research Grants

  Thursday, 30 Sep 2021 | Funding Deadline

This call is open to orthopaedic, veterinary and maxillo-facial surgeons, trainees and operating room personnel involved in trauma care. Applicants should submit a completed application form of their research proposal, which may involve any aspect of musculoskeletal trauma, including hand, faciomaxillo-cranial, spine and veterinary trauma.

Major Research Grant
AOUK invite applications for research grant funding of up to £10,000 Preference will be given to applications related to an MD/PhD programme and must demonstrate clear translation to improving outcomes in trauma care.

Minor Research
Grant AOUK invite applications for research grant funding of up to £5,000 Preference will be given to applications related to a higher degree or pump priming activity with potential to lead to a more significant project.


Deadline for proposals: 30th September 2021

Find out more here