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Alzheimer’s Research UK: Dementia Consortium

  Monday, 30 Nov 2020 | Funding Deadline

The Dementia Consortium will provide funding, resources and expertise to both increase the number of, and capitalise upon, new drug targets emerging from across the academic sector that hold promise of bringing patient benefit. The Dementia Consortium is a private-charity partnership between Alzheimer’s Research UK, the pharmaceutical companies Abbvie, Astex Pharmaceuticals, Eisai, Johnson & Johnson, Lilly and MSD and the partner research organisations Charles River Laboratories and Evotec.

The Dementia Consortium is a global initiative that sees Alzheimer’s Research UK partner with the pharmaceutical industry to validate novel targets for the diseases that cause dementia. The Dementia Consortium is seeking innovative academic proposals, which aim to robustly demonstrate target relevance to human disease. Targets should have some preliminary supporting data and targets with a genetic link to dementia and/or tool molecules to support target validation are particularly welcome.


Deadline for proposals: 30th November 2020

Find out more here