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Alopecia UK Research funding

  Monday, 16 May 2022 | Funding Deadline

Alopecia UK funds hair loss and hair-related research through a range of funding schemes, including small grants, public engagement grants and larger Research Pots. They aim to provide hope and confidence to people with alopecia by funding research, with the aim of identifying causes, treatments, and ultimately, a cure. They are investing in research projects to explore key questions.

Alopecia UK is inviting proposals for research on causes and cures for alopecia areata. This funding call is open to applications on biomedical, clinical and psychological research, which addresses the biological and physiological processes, as well as the psychological impacts, of alopecia areata. Please note, due to a specific clause in the legacy, the 2022 funding grant is not open to research projects exploring experimental topical treatments. The funding can be used for pump priming projects, to help early career researchers to establish an independent career in alopecia areata research or for a specific project.

Deadline for proposals: 16 May 2022
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