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Action Medical Research for Children: Long COVID in children and young people

  Friday, 27 Aug 2021 | Funding Deadline

Action Medical Research for Children is calling for project grant applications on community-acquired long COVID in children for an award of circa £100,000. The aim of the charity is to prevent and treat disease and disability by funding vital medical research in hospitals or research institutions across the UK. There is a gap in our understanding of the prevalence, pathological mechanism and mental health consequences of community-acquired long COVID in children and young people.

The call has a focus on the following two areas:

  • Better understanding the pathophysiological nature of community-acquired long COVID in children/young people. There is a need to understand why some children get long COVID after community-acquired infection and others don’t. This could include genomic and biomarker studies to characterise the inflammatory response or structural impact in brain (e.g., MRI).
  • Addressing the mental health complications for children and young people with community-acquired long COVID. For example, a trial or proof of principle of modular, online, easily accessible ‘talking therapies’.

Deadline for proposals: 27 August 2021

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