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2023 NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships in Medicine

  Sunday, 31 Mar 2024 | Funding Deadline

The NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) is a clinical specialty training post in medicine that incorporates academic training. This post has a standard duration of 3 years (up to 4 years for GPs). Alternatively, it can be taken part-time and extended up to a maximum of 5 years (or 6 years for GPs), as long as the academic component remains at 25% whole time equivalent. You will have access to Masters-level research training to develop your academic skills and equip you to balance your clinical academic career.

As an ACF you will spend:

  • 75% of your time in specialist clinical training
  • 25% of your time in research or educationalist training.

To be eligible for an ACF you must be:

  • Medically or dentally qualified
  • At the early stages of speciality training
  • Able to demonstrate outstanding potential for a career as a clinical academic
  • Able to meet the clinical specification for the advertised post.

Deadline for proposals: 31 March 2024
Find out more here